January 2023

Hi All. Quick update on the build. Most of you have probably seen the activity on site anyway but the groundworks to prepare for the delivery of the containers have now been substantially completed. They will sit on two substantial concrete footings that have been put in place on the upper level you can see on the photos. The lower level has been prepared for the laying of the patio which will overlook the fields. The soil taken out has been used to regrade the adjacent areas (including allowing for the route of the perimeter path) and will be reseeded. Thank you to Derek Pearce and team for the work they have done so far and also to Sandy’s Plumbing who are about to put in the drainage needed for us.

The next major activity will see the containers delivered on Thursday 19th. Notices will be posted nearer the time once we have more info on timings but this is likely to require the car park to be closed temporarily for some of that day to allow for the delivery. We will keep any closure periods to a minimum.

We would like to thank all villagers for their patience so far and apologise for any disruption which hopefully has been minimal.

We remain on the lookout for volunteers and suppliers and are continuing to invite expressions of interest from anyone potentially interested in the salaried managers role(s). We would love this to go to someone (or some people) from our community rather than us have to advertise it more widely so if you are at all interested please do get in touch via out contact us page here. We have an open mind as to how the role(s) might be structured so if you are interested but unsure whether it may be right for you, please do at least speak to us as you never know!


August 2023


December 2022